Fordele ved vores I/O-moduler
Med AS-Interface opnår du besparelser allerede fra tre feltmoduler eller tre E/A-stationer i sammenligning med andre feltbussystemer:
Fordele ved vores IP20-modul
Brugen af E/A-moduler fra Bihl+Wiedemann sparer udgifter til hardware og plads i styreskabet.
Reducerede hardwareudgifter (herunder konfektionering af stik)
du har hverken brug for buskobling eller feltbusstik (normalt 1 pr. station): du behøver kun en gateway til hele systemet.
Du sparer værdifuld plads i styreskabet
Modulerne fra Bihl+Wiedemann kombinerer op til 8 indgange og 8 udgange i et 22,5 mm bredt hus.
Save valuable resources
With AS-Interface, you do not need expensive plugs or sockets and only a single cable. This significantly reduces assembly times and material costs. In addition, valuable resources such as copper or plastic, which are required to manufacture the components, can be saved on a large scale. And energy consumption during cable production is greatly reduced. There is also a positive environmental effect when it comes to disposal – less waste is produced.
Fordele ved vores IP67-modul
Brugen af E/A-moduler i IP67 sparer udgifter til hardware og Installation.
Åbenlyse besparelser på udgifter til hardware og installation
Du behøver hverken stik til strømforbindelse eller dyre, specielt fremstillede feltbusstik (normalt 2 for hvert feltbusmodul). E/A-moduler tilsluttes ganske enkelt et fladkabel ved hjælp af gennemhulningsteknik.
Organized installation with ASi modules
In contrast to IP67 modules in comparable fieldbus solutions, which have to be wired in a line, the I/O Modules from Bihl+Wiedemann allow tree structure as a flexible cabling method. This means stubs from the main string can be created anywhere, also enhancing transparency in the network
Self-configuring I/O modules
The modules can be used flexibly and are cost-effective, making them a good alternative to comparable Ethernet or IO-Link-based I/O solutions.
I/O modules are also available in the webshop
Discover our wide range of I/O modules, all compatible with the current ASi-3 and/or ASi-5 standard.
The standardized fieldbus system AS-Interface (ASi) helps you drastically reduce your wiring complexity. You also benefit from free choice of topology and cost-effective integration of safety features on the same infrastructure.