Safe Small Controls – Compact, Cost-Effective and Configurable
Are you looking for a cost-effective, safe small control for use in small applications requiring three signals or more? Then you should take a look at our Safety Basic Monitor! The stand-alone solution for the control cabinet has two safe, wear-free electronic semiconductor outputs and up to four safe two-channel inputs or up to eight digital I/Os, depending on the configuration.
Easily expandable
The Safety Basic Monitor can also process up to 31 safe signals and fulfill complex safety-related requirements if you combine it with other safe modules from Bihl+Wiedemann. In addition to standstill and rotational speed, many other functions can then be reliably monitored – this includes speed ranges, directions of rotation, position ranges, end positions, brake ramps and temperatures, among other things. Even Muting can be easily implemented in this way.
Cost-effective scalability through Safe Link
Do you want to implement large installations with up to 1,922 safe signals? Then, why not use Safe Link – our safe cross communication technology, certified to SIL3/PLe. Thanks to Safe Link, you can link up to 31 Safety Basic Monitors or Safety Gateways with each other via the Ethernet diagnostics interface. This makes it easy to connect several system components or driverless transport systems – even if different controls are used.
Safety Basic Monitor
For small applications with three or more safe signals, we offer the Safety Basic Monitor, a safe small control without gateway, but with configurable signal outputs. The ASi Safety Module is universally expandable and is also suitable as a head station for special safety applications.
Cost-effective variant for small applications
Safe small control
Wide function range
Easily expandable via AS-Interface
Easy to integrate into existing systems
Simple coupling to other systems
Programmable via PC
Max. 31 safe modules per device
Narrow width Safety Basic Monitor: 22.5 mm
Diagnostic data with the Safety Basic Monitor
The Safety Basic Monitor offers – similar to our ASi Gateways – comprehensive diagnostic data that is available via EtherNet/IP or Modbus TCP. For example, information on the status of the ASi master and the safety monitor can be easily transferred to the higher-level control.

BWU2852 | Safety Basic Monitor with Ethernet interface
1 ASi-3 Master
Safe Link
EtherNet/IP or ModbusTCP diagnostic
Safe small control with safety inputs and outputs
Safe standstill/speed monitor for up to 3 axes

BWU2700 | Safety Basic Monitor with USB interface
1 ASi-3 Master
Safe small control with safety inputs and outputs
Safe standstill/speed monitor for up to 3 axes
Functional safety
Learn how to seamlessly integrate safe sensors and actuators as well as safety monitors into all common automation systems with ASi Safety. Safe and unsafe signals can be transmitted on the same line.
PLC independent safety technology
Discover the advantages of our safety and wiring technology, which is system and manufacturer-neutral. In this way, it enables simple, fast and thus cost-effective commissioning.
Selection of Mode of Safe Operation
Read all about how our TÜV-certified device facilitates "selection of mode of sfae operation selection": A standard HMI allows you to safely select up to 5 different operating modes for a maximum of 6 plant sections – each with unique safety functions.
Discover how easy muting is with Bihl+Wiedemann's muting modules. All signals required for muting can be connected to a single module.